NSD – Substitute Numbering Agency for the CIS: News and Events 16.02.18
National Settlement Depository to Assign ISIN to Moldovan Securities
National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, acting as the substitute numbering agency (SNA), begins assigning international codes to Moldovan issuers’ securities and adding the codes to the international database of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA). In accordance with ANNA’s regulatory requirements, alongside with ISIN, NSD assigns other international codes to Moldovan financial instruments: CFI (Classification of Financial Instruments) č FISN (Financial Instrument Short Name).
NSD is one of the four global organizations which ANNA authorized to act as substitute numbering agencies in other countries (among them are CUSIP Global Services (USA), SIX Financial Information Ltd (Switzerland), and WM Datenservice (Germany)). NSD received the SNA status in 2007 based on the ANNA general meeting’s resolution. NSD performs SNA functions in CIS countries.
ANNA authorized the most experienced and active national numbering agencies to assign international codes to securities in the countries without official numbering agencies. SNAs can also provide the stability of the international codification process in the countries where national numbering agencies cannot perform their functions due to some reasons.
More information about NSD’s activities as the substitute numbering agency is available at www.isin.ru.