ISIN and CFI codes allocation

ISIN and CFI Database for Non-Russian Financial Instruments that Meet the Requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation on Qualification

The Database contains ISIN and CFI codes allocated by authorized agencies in accordance with ISO 6166 and ISO 10962, and the CFI codes meet the requirements of paragraph 4.2 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 4561-U dated October 3, 2017 "On the Procedure for the Qualification of Foreign Financial Instruments as Securities" (in the version of the Directive of Bank of Russia No. 4903-U dated 12.09.2018).

Information on non-Russian financial instruments is updated in real time as a result of processing clients' new requests relating to new instruments, and upon completion of NSD's daily monitoring of information on instruments already recorded in the Database.

Information on ISIN and CFI codes is provided by NSD to market participants solely for the purpose of qualification of non-Russian financial instruments as securities admitted for operations on the Russian market*.

Search key:
2281-2300 of 80057 results shown.
ISIN Issuer; Country Issue Description CFI Code Edition of IS0 10962 ISIN Status [?] Numbering Agency Information Source As of
CA04016E2024 ARGENTINA LITHIUM & ENGY CORP; CA ARGENTINA LITHIUM & ENERGY CORP COMMON NEW ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA04287U4063 ARSENAL ENERGY INC NEW; CA ARSENAL ENERGY INC NEW COMMON NEW ESVUFR 2001 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASB, Ïèñüìî ÍÍÀ 2018-05-04
CA04317T1066 ARTUMAS GROUP INC; CA COMMON ESVUFR 2001 Deleted Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, AUSTRIA ASB 2018-05-04
CA04341Y1051 ASANKO GOLD INC; CA ASANKO GOLD INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF, Ïèñüìî ÍÍÀ 2020-05-23
CA0464911068 ATAC RESOURCES LTD; CA ATAC RESOURCES LTD COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2023-08-04
CA04682R1073 ATHABASCA OIL CORPORATION; CA ATHABASCA OIL CORPORATION COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA0475591099 ATICO MINING CORPORATION; CA ATICO MINING CORPORATION COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA04878Q8636 ATLANTIC POWER CORPORATION; CA ATLANTIC POWER CORPORATION COMMON NEW ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-07-13
CA05155C1059 AURICO GOLD INC; CA AURICO GOLD INC COMMON SHARES ESVUFR 2001 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASB, Ïèñüìî ÍÍÀ 2018-05-04
CA05156F1071 AURION RESOURCES LTD; CA AURION RESOURCES LTD COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA05156V1022 AURINIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC; CA AURINIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA05156X1087 AURORA CANNABIS INC; CA AURORA CANNABIS INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2020-05-29
CA05156X8504 AURORA CANNABIS INC; CA AURORA CANNABIS INC COMMON NO PAR ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASB 2024-02-19
CA05156X8843 AURORA CANNABIS INC; CA AURORA CANNABIS INC COMMON NEW ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA05157J1084 AURICO METALS INC; CA AURICO METALS INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASB, Ïèñüìî ÍÍÀ 2018-05-04
CA0519211043 AURADO ENERGY INC; CA AURADO ENERGY INC*N COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-10-26
CA05208W1086 AURYN RESOURCES INC; CA AURYN RESOURCES INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2020-10-31
CA05335P1099 AUXLY CANNABIS GROUP INC; CA AUXLY CANNABIS GROUP INC COMMON ESVUFR 2015 Updated The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASBF 2021-09-22
CA05337B1085 AVALA RESOURCES LTD; CA AVALA RESOURCES LTD COMMON ESVUFR 2001 Deleted The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd, CANADA ASB, Ïèñüìî ÍÍÀ 2018-05-04

* NSD does not make any representation or warranty as to the completeness or reliability of the information contained herein, nor does it make any warranty regarding its consistency with the purposes for which the information is used, including but not limited to, commercial purposes. The information published on this website is not to be construed as an offer to effect any deal with financial instruments, and should not be used for commercial or other purposes; nor does it represent an offer from NSD to render any services; nor does it make any warranty or representation of reliability of certain financial instruments or persons (including but not limited to, issuers, securities market participants, etc.).

For further information, please refer to NSD’s experts.

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