
ISIN and CFI Database for Non-Russian Financial Instruments that Meet the Requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation on Qualification

The Database contains ISIN and CFI codes allocated by authorized agencies in accordance with ISO 6166 and ISO 10962, and the CFI codes meet the requirements of paragraph 4.2 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 4561-U dated October 3, 2017 "On the Procedure for the Qualification of Foreign Financial Instruments as Securities" (in the version of the Directive of Bank of Russia No. 4903-U dated 12.09.2018).

Information on non-Russian financial instruments is updated in real time as a result of processing clients' new requests relating to new instruments, and upon completion of NSD's daily monitoring of information on instruments already recorded in the Database.

Information on ISIN and CFI codes is provided by NSD to market participants solely for the purpose of qualification of non-Russian financial instruments as securities admitted for operations on the Russian market*.

1541-1560 of 80053 results shown.
ISIN Issuer; Country Issue Description CFI Code Edition of IS0 10962 ISIN Status [?] Numbering Agency Information Source As of
BG9000016071 DF REAL FINANS VISOKODOHODEN FOND; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2021-01-14
BG9000016089 DF ASTRA KOMODITI; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOICS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2019-12-04
BG9000017079 DF REAL FINANS BALANSIRAN FOND; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2021-01-14
BG9000018069 DF "TEKSIM BALGARIYA"; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2019-12-04
BG9000018077 DF AKTIVA VISOKODOHODEN FOND; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2023-01-28
BG9000019075 DF AKTIVA BALANSIRAN FOND; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2023-01-28
BG9000020065 DF PRESTIZH; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2018-04-23
BG9000021063 DF PROFIT; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2018-04-23
BG9000024075 DF AVRORA KEPITAL - BALANSIRAN; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIES 2015 Deleted Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2023-01-28
BG9000025072 DF ALARIK - GLOBALNI SUROVINI; BG DOGOVORNI FONDOVE CIOIRS 2015 Updated Central Depository of Bulgari, BULGARIA ASBF 2019-12-04
BH0005508765 Al Ahli United Bank; BH Registered Shares DL 1 ESVUFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BH0006000044 Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C.; BH Registered Ordinary Shares ESVUFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BH0008794115 Arab Banking Corporation; BH Registered Shares DL 10 ESVUFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BH000A0CAQK6 Gulf Finance House E.C; BH Registered Shares DL -,33 ESVTFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BH000A0J2499 Ithmaar Bank B.S.C.; BH Registered Shares DL 1 ESVUFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BH0060713458 Bahrain Telecommunication Company; BH Registered Shares BN -,10 ESVUFR 2015 New Bahrain Stock Exchange, BAHRAIN ASBF 2021-11-30
BM9021241064 TYCO INTL LTD NEW; BM COM ESVUFR 2015 Updated Standard & Poor's - CUSIP Service Bureau, USA, UNITED STATES ASBF 2021-11-26
BMG0030Z1095 ABC COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LTD; BM SHS ESXXXX 2015 Deleted Standard & Poor's - CUSIP Service Bureau, USA, UNITED STATES ASBF 2021-11-26
BMG0031W1477 ABC MULTIACTIVE LTD; BM SHS ESVUFR 2015 Updated Standard & Poor's - CUSIP Service Bureau, USA, UNITED STATES ASBF 2021-11-26

* NSD does not make any representation or warranty as to the completeness or reliability of the information contained herein, nor does it make any warranty regarding its consistency with the purposes for which the information is used, including but not limited to, commercial purposes. The information published on this website is not to be construed as an offer to effect any deal with financial instruments, and should not be used for commercial or other purposes; nor does it represent an offer from NSD to render any services; nor does it make any warranty or representation of reliability of certain financial instruments or persons (including but not limited to, issuers, securities market participants, etc.).
