Non-Russian Financial Instruments: News and Events20.01.17 On allocation of CFI codes under ISO 10962:2015Ref. No. 44-11/334 dated 20 January 2017 Attn.: NSD's clients Due to the fact that the National Numbering Agencies of Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, and Honduras have started allocating CFI codes to the financial instruments in accordance with the new standard (ISO 10962:2015), the Bank of Russia has clarified to NSD that allocation of new CFI codes under ISO 10962:2015 to the financial instruments earlier qualified as securities admitted for operations on the Russian market does not result in professional securities market participants losing the right to provide depository services with respect to, or make other transactions in, such financial instruments (including if their new CFI codes no longer meet the requirements set forth by the Regulation on Qualification of Foreign Financial Instruments as Securities approved by the Federal Financial Markets Service's Order No. 07-105/pz-n dated 23 October 2007 (the "Regulation")). In view of the aforesaid, NSD has posted the List of Non-Russian Financial Instruments that No Longer Meet the Requirements of the Regulation Following the Allocation of New CFI Codes to Them under ISO 10962:2015 (the "List") at The List includes the financial instruments that used to be recorded in the ISIN and CFI Database for Non-Russian Financial Instruments meeting the requirements of the Regulation (the "Database") before the new CFI codes were allocated to them under ISO 10962:2015. Please also note that, according to the clarifications made by the Bank of Russia, any new non-Russian financial instruments the CFI codes of which are allocated under ISO 10962:2015 and do not meet the requirements of the Regulation may, pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Regulation, be qualified in accordance with the Guidelines on Qualification of Securities approved by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia (Resolution No. 03-48/ps dated 24 December 2003), which are applicable in accordance with paragraph 1, Article 49 of Federal Law No. 251-FZ dated 23 July 2013 "On Making Amendments to Certain Laws of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Vesting of Regulatory, Monitoring and Supervisory Authority in Financial Markets in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation". In case of any question related to this communication, please do not hesitate to contact NSD by e-mail at . |