ISIN and CFI codes allocation

ISIN and CFI Database for Russian Financial Instruments

The database is updated in real time and contains relevant information on international codes allocated to Russian issuers' securities and other financial instruments issued or registered in Russia.

Please fill in one of the fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Search by Issuer:
Search by Financial Instrument:
Financial Instrument Type  
  Security Category  
  Security Type  
Registration number* 
Search by code:
* *
Code Status

In the field Issuer please indicate the the name of (search by part of the name is included):

- Financial Instrument Issuer – for bonds, shares, deposit rates, indices, currencies, rates, clearing certificates;
- Mutual Investment Fund – for units of investment funds;
- Underlying Security Issuer – for depository receipts;
- Mortgage Certificate – for mortgage certificates.

The last 10 alpha-numeric characters of the ISIN code do not contain the letters O and I to avoid confusion with the figures 0 and 1.
Indicate symbols you search for in any position of CFI field.

In the field Name please indicate the the name of (search by part of the name is included):

- Index – for indices;
- Currency – for currencies;
- Rate – for rates.

Means, depending on the financial instrument, a state registration number / identification number / registration number / number of the Investment fund's asset management rules / number of the mortgage pool management rules.

For additional information contact NSD’s Russian Securities Department at: +7 495 234-48-27 ext. 4311, e-mail:

Reproduction, distribution or transfer to another web-site of ISIN information on particular or all securities available in the database and of any materials on ISIN allocation published in the database is allowed only with prior written consent of NSD and with reference to
Complete or partial reproduction of information on ISINs allocation for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.